Monday, March 30, 2009

Field of Dreams

When Kevin Costner built a baseball diamond in a corn field, he knew they would come to play ball. My vision for this blog is the same. What do I need from you? Good question. It's nice to have these computer aided communication tools but without your input they won't be nothing but a field on the internet. I am encouraging all Ocean County amateur and semi professional photographers out their to take pride in their work and share it with our community.

Hopefully this will serve two purposes to our cause; 1.) it will gain awareness to the beauty of nature and it's abundance in our small town community and 2.) it will be far reaching; those who are unable to get out and enjoy our open spaces may still be able to enjoy the talented photos from our creative member citizens.

Also please come out to New Egypt Day-"fun & fitness" on May 16th between 11a.m-4p.m. When you do come out be sure to stop by the Eastern Bluebird Awareness table. There will be something for everyone at the table and hopefully you will walk away with something too. We are giving away a bird field guide as well. I hope to see you there.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Soaring Osprey



Today above Main street, New Egypt we had a small kettle of two soaring Ospreys and three Black Vultures.  An Osprey in flight is almost unmistakable with their inverted W wing position.  I took the family to Colliers Mills WMA and the Eastern Bluebirds were a flutter.  Also a Great Blue Heron was at the front bridge hunting.  Now that bridge has  been dammed by a very industrious beaver creating a flooded oasis.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


woodcockI heard the peenting of a woodcock at Laurita Winery last night. I hope I get some free time tomorrow to park and try to see their aerial displays.